Pedodontik Tedaviler

A word of Latin origin, pedodontics means “children’s teeth”. In dentistry, the branch of pedodontics deals with the protection and treatment of milk and permanent teeth, starting from the birth of the child until the age of 12-13, when all of the milk teeth are changed.

Who is a Pedodontist?

Dentists who continue their education in the Department of Pedodontics after the completion of the Faculty of Dentistry are called “pedodontists”.

What Do Pedodontists Do?

  • They ensure that children do not have a fear of dentists (dental phobia) and turn dental treatment into an enjoyable game for children.
  • It determines the caries risk group of the child and organizes personal protective programs.
  • Adult patients with severe fear.
  • It regulates the child’s eating habits.
  • They check the regular progress of the child’s jaw and tooth development.
  • Performs preventive orthodontic treatments.
  • They do dental treatment for children who need special attention.